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Rose Parade Float

? Why doesn't the City of Glendale have a Rose Parade float this year?

✔ A Century of Roses


The City of Glendale has a long and proud history with the Tournament of Roses.  Much of the history is shared in a GTV6 documentary produced by the City staff, A Century of Roses.[1] 


In 2010, the Glendale Rose Float Association was in jeopardy of not raising enough funds, which would put the future of the City’s participation at risk.[2]  In 2011, the non-profit association that raised funds to design and construct the City’s Rose Float dissolved and the City took over the responsibilities in order to continue the tradition.  The City was only a few years from making its 100th appearance in the Tournament of Roses Parade. 


Even though other cities and organizations were reeling from the recession, at the direction of City Council, Glendale continued efforts to fundraise.  The City wanted to preserve the Rose Float as other cities were withdrawing.[3]  


Costs associated with the float can range from $100,000 to $150,000 depending on the mechanics, animation, and size.  Fundraising by Community Services & Parks staff was to be supplemented with City resources.  In the first year, the 2011 goal of raising funds for the 98thGlendale Rose float construction were not only met, but exceeded what was needed.[4]  In 2012, $65,000 was raised.[5]


The 2014 float, Glendale’s 100th year, needed to be something on a grander scale.  This float utilized hydraulic movement/animation.  The 100th float entry for the City of Glendale received an award that featured Meatball the Bear and his wildlife friends.  


Interestingly, donations and sponsorships dried up considerably in 2013 for the 2014 Rose float.  The 100th float was primarily paid for with City funds.  Only $15,000 in donations was collected.  The City paid the balance of the $135,000 for the float.  The larger corporate donors who participated in 2012 focused their giving on local events and programs like Cruise Night (which has become entirely sponsor funded), and the City received almost nothing from individual giving.  Ultimately, when it came time to budget for the 2015 entry, the City opted to not appropriate the resources.[6]  It is worth noting that members of City Council, at the time of consideration, requested staff to return with a report this fiscal year to reestablish a community-based non-profit to again undertake Glendale’s Rose Float efforts. [7]


Timeline of events relating to Rose Float and Council direction:


  • In 2011, the City was able to raise $97,000 which covered the full cost of the 2012 float. The cost of the float was discounted that year to $89,000 because the City asked all vendors to provide a discount on all contracts.  Thus, funds raised exceeded the cost of the float. (Community donations varied from $25 -$25,000)

  • In 2012, $65,000 was raised for the 2013 float – “Living the Good Life!”  – 3 Sponsors (Americana $25,000, Adventist $25,000 & Pacific BMW $15,000)

  • In 2013, approximately $15,000 was raised for the 2014 float – “Let’s Be Neighbors” - ($10,000 Holland Partners Sponsor, $3700 Donations for Raffle, $1100 Fundraiser Event)


FY 2011-2012 Budget Process – Council appropriated $50,000 for 2012 float with the condition that the City received another $50,000 in donations from community by July 31, 2011. The City surpassed expectations and collected $97,000 for 2012 float.


11/8/2011 – Staff presented various fundraising options for future floats to Council and received direction to return to work with Glendale Rose Float Association (GRFA) to incorporate as non-profit, further study the possibility of self-built floats, and form a committee comprised of community members that would be responsible for selecting the Rose Float design, name, and ridership.  (Report attached) 


3/6/2012 – Staff presented a report notifying Council that GRFA notified staff in 12/2011 that they decided to disband, provided information regarding self-built floats, and recommended forming a Rose Float Concept/Design Committee, consisting of corporate sponsors and Community Services & Parks staff, to raise funds and select a float design to represent Glendale (since Glendale Adventist Medical Center had come forth as a sponsor).  Council directed staff to proceed with corporate sponsorship for 2013 float.  $65,000 was raised for the 2013 float.


3/5/2013 – Staff presented a report to Council asking for direction on 2014 float (100th year).  Staff recommended and Council approved a two-tier fundraising strategy for the 2014 float since corporate sponsorship came short for the 2013 float.  Staff’s goal was to fundraise at least $75,000 (50% of cost of the float). Council approved corporate sponsorship and community donations where a minimum of $25 donation would enter individuals into a drawing for opportunity to ride the Rose Float.  Staff also held a fundraising event in partnership with CV Weekly and Lions, Tigers & Bears at Deukmejian Wilderness Park to raise additional funds.  Only $15,000 was raised for the 2014 float. 


3/17/2014 – A memo was drafted for the 2015 float.  Staff sent out corporate sponsor letters to several businesses in the community.  Staff did not receive any interest in corporate sponsorships even after follow up phone calls.  

06/17/14 – City Council directed the City Manager and staff to bring back a staff report reestablishing a community-based non-profit to again undertake Glendale’s Rose Float efforts, similar to those in other communities this fiscal year. 














7) (30:22 minute mark)



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Phone: (818) 548-4844, Option 1



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