City of Glendale
Fact Page
Indigenous Tree Care
Contrary to popular belief, residents of Glendale are able to prune and maintain indigenous or protected trees. There are, however, rules and regulations that must be followed to properly maintain a protected tree.
x The City is responsible for maintaining trees on private property.
✔ False. It is the property owner’s responsibility to maintain all trees on his or her property. A courtesy list of local tree care professionals can be found by clicking here. Please note that the City of Glendale neither recommends nor endorses the individuals or firms contained in the file.
Notwithstanding the above, if any tree (protected or otherwise) interferes with City power lines, Glendale Water & Power has the right to trim it in order to reduce public hazard.
x The City does not maintain its trees.
✔ False. The City has a contract with West Coast Arborist to routinely inspect and maintain City trees (protected or otherwise). The City also responds to resident requests/concerns regarding City trees.
For more information on how the City maintains its trees or to submit a City-owned tree maintenance request, contact Glendale’s Forestry Division at (818) 548-3950. More information can also be found at GlendaleTrees.org.
x The City does not allow residents to prune protected trees.
✔ False. Residents are free to conduct “routine pruning” on protected trees on his or her property.
As defined in Glendale’s Indigenous Tree Ordinance, “‘Routine pruning’ means the removal of any dead, dying, or diseased branches of a tree and the cutting of live interfering and weak branches not to exceed two (2) inches in diameter, performed in accordance with arboriculture industry standards. Foliage reduction cannot exceed one-quarter (1/4) of the total tree foliage.”
A permit is required, however, for cuts on protected trees beyond “routine pruning” (as defined in Glendale’s Indigenous Tree Ordinance). Please see the ordinance for a full reading of restrictions and exemptions.
Also note that all permitted tree work must be completed by a State licensed contractor. The City's courtesy list of local arborists can be found here. The City of Glendale neither recommends nor endorses the individuals or firms contained in the file.
Should you have any questions regarding the Indigenous Tree Ordinance or indigenous trees, please contact Glendale’s Forestry Division at (818) 548-3950. More information can also be found at GlendaleTrees.org.