City of Glendale
Fact Page
"Welcome to Glendale" Foothill Sign Update
The City of Glendale has received a number of inquiries related to the Foothill Monument Sign and whether it’ll be removed or repaired. Please see below for more information.
On November 17, 2018 an impaired driver crashed into the “Welcome to Glendale” sign on Foothill just east of Lowell. Two other drivers – one who fell asleep at the wheel at 4 a.m., and the other a driver who made an unsafe lane change and drifted into the center median – crashed into the sign on two prior occasions. The sign stopped the drivers from going into the opposing lanes of traffic. In all three cases, the driver was found to be at fault, and beared/will bear the costs of the damage. Following the car collision with the sign on November 17, the sign was deemed unsalvageable and will be removed.
Repairs were made following the first crash since the sign was under construction at that time. Following the second crash in May 2018, the Glendale Public Works Department found that the sign could be restored and proceeded to repair it.
The “Welcome to Glendale” sign on Foothill Boulevard at Pennsylvania Avenue will remain. The identical sign at the eastern entry point to Glendale has not been involved in any crashes. The medians and signs at both locations were designed in compliance with all the public roadway and traffic safety measures and standards.
Both signs, including streetscape, landscape and intersection improvements, were part of the North Glendale Community Plan (NGCP) adopted by the Glendale City Council in November 2011 (page 48, Chapter 4.2a.2, Section A.1(d)). Prior to approving the NGCP, the City engaged the community in many months of visioning workshops, open houses, and community meetings that included most City departments and a 32-member advisory committee.